Bracon Ash and Hethel are 2 villages 6 miles to the south of Norwich; 2 ecclesiastical parishes, each with their own church; and 1 civil parish with its own Parish Council.
Here we have collected memories, photographs, research projects, mini-biographies and even tours to bring the history of this small part of South Norfolk alive.
This is very much a 'work in progress', so please CONTACT us if you have any further information, photos, memories or constructive comments to help us build a history of both or either villages.
Keep contributing to YOUR website!

Bracon Ash Church
with its link to no less than 2 Archbishops and several Bishops.

Hethel Thorn
the country's smallest nature reserve - and Hethel churchyard is a prize-winning conservation area.

PEOPLE - Baronets, shop-keepers, farmers, teachers and pupils, the men who went to war, a nurse and a murderer! Can YOU help identify those in the Photo Gallery?
We hope you will enjoy your visit!
With thanks
Many people have contributed photos, written items, memories, research, and have given permission for extracts from their own books and websites to be used. In particular we would like to thank John Betts (for almost all the historic photos); Michael Coates (Hethel Camp, School & teachers); Heather Barnes (research on WW1 men from Bracon Ash); Alison Lee (research on Branthwaytes, Beevors and Hethel men in WW1); Susie Whitehouse (Gladys Watling's memories; photos); Jill Hammond (1977 centenary booklets from Bracon Ash & Hethel CP School; bowls club photos); Cathy Nicholls (Ted Moore's memoirs and other material); Ted Moore for permission to use his memoirs; Peter Nichols (photos; reports of Hethel surveys). Jean Goodrum & Graham Martin (long-time residents) contributed memories & photos. Mrs Brooks (information on Woodlands); Peter Bailey (information on Fred Waters); John Myhill (information & photo of family and Church Farm); Nigel Legg (information on Hall Farm & Berneys); H Berney and S Makower (information on Bracon Hall & the Berney family); Paula Bennet (information on Mergate Farm); Martin Thurlow (information on a WW2 casualty). Ivy Futter & Graham Crummett for identifying photos; Graham Crummett for transcripts of census returns. David Kirk and the Wreningham History website for map and information on Hethel airfield. Ben Goodfellow for research into the Appleyard family and their possible links with Mergate Hall and Bracon Hall. Richie Godfrey for photos and information on Stackyard family.
Thanks to Dr Adrian O'Dell and the Centre for East Anglian Studies for slides and research on Hethel Church, and his students Lorraine Houseago and Carol Wayne for access to their studies of Hethel Thorn and the USAAF at Hethel.
Others will be added as contributions come in....